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GFS in Australia began in South Australia in1879. It spread throughout the land quite quickly and has been present in most of the current dioceses for over 100 years now. It has developed a mixture of branch styles over the years catering for children and adults.

Every 3 years we have a gathering of adult members at our Australian Council Meeting, held in the diocese of our current National Chairman for our Annual General Meeting and election of new Executive members as well as a time for fellowship, learning and worshipping. We also meet every 3 years at a Midterm Conference as learning and teaching time over a weekend.

We offer groups for adults called Townsend groups and these are found in every diocese offering GFS ministry. These groups meet often on a monthly or bi-monthly basis and offer a time of fellowship, prayer, craft and financial and prayer support for the many projects of GFS (eg World Project, raising funds for Travel Fund)and to support any local children’s groups.

We offer groups for children under a variety of names. Many offer GFS groups that meet weekly during school times often after school hours in church halls. Many dioceses use Kidsplus+ as their name and offer similar meetings with a mixture of girls and boys. Children are usually 5 years old before they can join. Their branch meetings include a mixture of times of games, fun activities, adventurous challenges, worship, prayer, learning of GFS and its history, singing, preparing for participation in church services, learning about the God, Jesus and the Bible and what it means to lead a Christian life. Branches often combine with others or on their own to go away on camps – a time over a weekend or several days to live in a Christian community and enjoy a time of physical challenges, fellowship and worship.

​Contact: Mrs Julie Somerville, 


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