​Julie Smith will be preparing a regular Pray Thoughts sheet which will be circulated. Please pray with us.
Please use the prayer thoughts in the December 2014 issue of the World newsletter found on this web page
Week beginning 1-14 July
We pray for all Anglican Youth Organizations and their leadership around the World. We pray for all Dioceses that are preparing for GFS events in different forms Worldwide which among is GFS SRI Lanka which celebrate the existence of their hall, GFS Australia for their 130th anniversary Gala dinner fundraising efforts. Our prayers are with all GFS conferences to come with positive outcomes which will put the Organisation forward
We pray for our Cluster Countries
Week beginning 15 -31 July
We pray for the United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) and their link countries. We thank God for the May 2018 successful visit of GFS Worldwide President to these three countries the spirit of love and togetherness that she experienced in all GFS branches and Anglican church general. We thank God for opening doors for the recognition of GFS in high level offices as the GFS World President was on the journey of nocking in their doors.
We pray for GFS Ireland as they embark on new GFS leadership training, we also pray for their new Central President Mrs Alison Jackson with her executive as she started her journey of leading GFS in the country. Also praying for Mrs Sylvia Quin as she started her new role of being Central deputy President of all Ireland May God be with them as they continue their programs also embarking on new ones.
Our thoughts are with GFS England and Wales as they are rolling out their development programs to their different Communities. We pray for their board as they started their discussions around the Faith of GFS in their countries. We know that God is bigger than our challenges.
Our prayers are with the family which owns and taking care of GFS heritage, the home of Elizabeth Mary Townsend and looking out after the property and her grave very well.
Week beginning 5 -18 August
At this time, we remember our sisters in the USA. We pray for all in leadership, Diocesan Presidents and their Central President Ms Lois Frankforter with her responsibilities. God help her as she supports GFS Canada under Mrs Enid Russel be their pillar of strength at this time
Father God be with GFS Honduras Rev Canon Connie Sanchez as she builds GFS branches may You give her strength to overcome challenges that she may be experiencing help her also to remember that everything is possible with You. We also remember Ms Mayra Brown on her journey of leading GFS Dominican Republic. We bring before you GFS Past President Adele Ray who continues to be an inspiration to all who have the privilege of meeting with her. We pray for her continued good health.
Week beginning 19-31 August
We pray for the South Pacific Region with Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands and PNG. We thank you Lord for elevating the GFS Australia Chaplain Sonia to a higher level of being the Bishop we trust that you are going to continue giving her wisdom. Be with GFS Australia under the leadership of Revd. Cheryl Selvage and her executive. Remember Canon Val and her family and all GFS family. Strengthen and grow new GFS branches of Solomon Island, PNG and New Zealand.
Week beginning 2- 15 September
We pray for the region with the countries of Sri Lanka, Philippines, South Korea and Japan.
We give thanks for all the work that is happening in these countries. We give thanks for the use of the GFS Hall in Sri Lanka that enables many programs to be held to gather together Christian women. Our prayers are with the world education Project which is going to change the lives of young people of Sri Lanka. We give thanks for the work of GFS in Japan to continue bringing hope to the survivors of the Tsunami. Help us to continue to join hands in prayer for GFS Worldwide and the challenges of the World.
Week beginning 16 – 30 September
We pray for the African countries South Africa, Liberia, Lesotho, Kenya, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Uganda Rwanda, Mozambique, Ghana and Zambia. Lord be with GFS Rwanda as they are preparing to host the GFS Africa Conference in December. May that Conference strengthen the spirit of working together in building the Kingdom of God. May it also open our minds giving us ideas on how to build GFS in our individual countries and support the GFS Worldwide. May it help us to use the God given natural resources to our advantage.
Help us God to continue respecting Environment as that will help in curbing Climate Change.
Be with all that are carrying heavy burdens to remember your promise that Burdens must be given to you as you are the God who cares.
Week beginning October
At this time, we remember GFS Melanesia, GFS Philippines and all countries that are establishing new GFS branches around the World may God give them strength in all that is happening.
May you be with Anglican Church Worldwide and be with all those who are not believing in Christian Faith. Make Christians to protect their faith and be bold against all that threatens their faith.
November, December 2018
Our Prayers are with all Students who are writing their examinations. May Almighty help them to remember all that they studied during the year. May the Lord remove anxiety at this time. May the good Lord protect them together with their families at this time.
We remember all those departed in 2018. May their Souls Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.
Thank you, Lord, for keeping us safe during 2018. As we will be taking holidays uniting with our families help us to put You in the Centre of our Celebrations. We give You Praise in all that we have achieved in this Year.
Be with all Dioceses which are in the processes of establishment of New GFS Branches around the World.
Cell: +94 773555984 or
+94 777277136

E-Mail: 2023gfsworldpres@gmail.com
Girls' Friendly Society
58, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha (Green Path)
Colombo 03
Sri Lanka.
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