British Ghana



PROJECT LENGTH: 1962 - 1969

​to help training of leaders.

Worldwide Scholarships



PROJECT LENGTH:  1962 - 2014

​Work began in the Taita Hills, Mombasa Kenya under Miss Grace Camm.




PROJECT LENGTH: 1965 - 1969​

to establish GFS in Korea.

The Philippines



PROJECT LENGTH: 1969 - 1972​

Strengthening GFS.

Lesotho and Sri Lanka



PROJECT LENGTH: 1972 - 1975

​Lesotho and Sri Lanka – to strengthen GFS.

Sierra Leone and other West African Countries



PROJECT LENGTH: 1975 - 1978​

Sierra Leone and other West African countries with GFS connections – Leadership training.

World Council & Partnerships



PROJECT LENGTH: 1978 - 1981

​Half to be used for funding World Council and the other half for partnerships between countries.

Transkie, South Africa – Chickens for Transkei



PROJECT LENGTH: 1981 - 1984​

Supporting a cottage industry of chicken rearing amongst GFS members.




PROJECT LENGTH: 1984 - 1987​

Supporting GFS in Kenya.

The Philippines



PROJECT LENGTH: 1987 - 1993

​Providing funds to produce a Training program for GFS and to implement the training.




PROJECT LENGTH: 1993 - 1999

​Building a Training Centre for GFS and Community.

Papua New Guinea



PROJECT LENGTH: 1999 - 2002​

Building a Training Centre and providing training (from GFS Australia) for three years to build up leadership.




PROJECT LENGTH: 2002 - 2005​

Supporting the growth of GFS in Kenya.




PROJECT LENGTH: 2005 - 2008

​Supporting the skilling of girls and women with purchasing of sewing machines and sewing requirements and introducing a chicken rearing project.

Korea & Australia for Papua New Guinea



PROJECT LENGTH: 2008 - 2011

​Korea – U-Mul-Ga (A Well Side) 

Supporting Women Refugees from North Korea.

Australia for Papua New Guinea

“Guitnuis for PNG”- 

Writing a three year Sunday School program based on the PNG lectionary and training Sunday School teachers in the use of the program.

“Makem Strong GFS” - The Solomon Islands



PROJECT LENGTH: 2011 - 2014To equip women and girls with the skills necessary to carry out activities in leadership for community and church development.

To raise awareness on the impact of social issues affecting families and communities.

To enable women, girls and youth to participate in community affairs and development especially in decision making processes.

To equip and empower young women with knowledge and skills to be able to support the GFS programs in the communities and churches.

Supporting the growth of GFS in SI with particular roles for GFS Australian leaders to play in providing training and advice. 


This project is not completed and money raised is held in trust in Australia.  

GFS Australia will work with GFS in The Solomon Islands to endeavour to finalise this project by July 2017.

World Mission Project Established



PROJECT LENGTH: 2014 - 2014

​Mombasa Scheme - exchange of students.





Providing financial assistance to continue the Japanese GFS Outreach Project to the survivors of the great East Japan tsunami disaster.


Three years have passed since a 9.0 magnitude earthquake followed by 39 meter high tsunami struck the north eastern region of Japan. As of March of 2014, the National Police have reported that 12,884 people have died and 2, 640 people are still missing. Many survivors are  still living in temporary housing that was set up by the government and they are still struggling to get their lives back.

The earthquake also destroyed the 1st Fukshima nuclear plant, causing a meltdoun. As a result, about 140,000 people had to leave their homes to escape the ill effects of radiation.

People around the world rallied to support the victims. The Japanese people themselves came together to help.  The members of the Girls’ Friendly Society in Japan, joined in the outreach effort of the Nippon Sei Ko Kai, the Anglican Church in Japan. The task is so overwhelming that they find themselves praying for guidance every moment of the way.

After careful evaluation of the survivors’ needs, GFS/Japan launched two projects.

They provided sewing machines to women’s groups in the affected areas.

They volunteer monthly at the Tsukishima Kids’ Day.

OBJECTIVES for the next 3 years, 2014-17:

To evaluate the ongoing needs of the Sewing Machine Project and to supply sewing machines, fabric, thread, and other sewing notions where there is a critical need.

To assist the women of the Sewing Machine Project to market their handiwork.

To continue to support the monthly Tsukishima Kids’ Day with refreshment and activities.

BUDGET:           $US20,000       $AUD21,420  â‚¤11,790             204070 JPY

Sewing machines, large industrial           (3 machines)     $4000 USD

Sewing supplies (fabric, thread, etc.)                             $6000 USD

Activity supplies for Kids’ Day                                       $2000 USD

Refreshments for Kids’ Day                                          $1000 USD

Travel for Kids’ Day                                                    $6000 USD

Communication (flyers, newsletter, postage, et al)            $1000 USD


Asako Yonamine, National President GFS Japan

GFS members in Japan are very grateful to the GFS World Council for accepting their proposal for assistance that will help them to continue their Outreach Project to the survivors of the great East Japan tsunami disaster. With your help, they will be able to support the women and children in the Tohoku Region to resume a more normal lifestyle.

July 2017.  This Project is now closed.  It has been highly successful.  The Sewing Project has concluded but there are funds available for GFS Japan to continue to manage Camps for children from the high radiation areas over the coming years. 



English for Employment Prospects (EEP)



*  To equip girls and women from low income families with English language skills to enhance their

     employment prospects

*  In addition, to give them access to information and enhance their self-esteem and social standing.



Sri Lanka has a literacy rate of 92.6 %, the highest in South Asia, but its English proficiency rate ranks very low at only 46.58%.  However, today English is considered the most important skill requirement for career prospects and employment.


This project addresses this shortfall, with particular emphasis on less privileged women who can be extricated from traditional roles only through education, specifically with opportunities to learn English.


This falls in line with one of the Objectives laid out in the Constitution of GFS Sri Lanka : "To advance education, culture and any other charitable purpose for the benefit of women and girls".


This is linked to GFS Sri Lanka's 60 year old Hostel which provides safe accommodation to girls coming in to the city for the first time for new employment.  Efforts are being made to expand the Hostel due to the demand for such facilities.


The Course

Applications will be called and selected applicants will sit for a placement test.


The Institution providing the English training will conduct a Course to suit the English knowledge level of the selected students. On completion of the Course, they will be awarded certificates.



Incentives and financial support will be available for students. ie. travelling, accommodation, meals etc., if required.


Personality Development

Training and workshops on personality development, good grooming, social ethics etc. to complete the "total look" will be organized for the students while they follow the Course.


Employment opportunities

GFS Sri Lanka will try to identify employers seeking staff and enroll students to work as interns while following the Course.

Details of students who successfully complete the Course will be posted on the web and this information made available to those who are in need of such services.


Stage 1 :  Pilot Project in Colombo           Stage 2 : Take the Project to other areas of the country



The total cost of the Project is expected to amount to :  Sri Lanka Rs.4,000,000.00 =  GBP 20,643.00 = USD 26,238.00


We have made steady progress with the implementation of the World Project.

Bishop of Colombo

Our biggest challenge was to meet the Bishop of Colombo and obtain a message commending the Project so that it would be readily accepted by the clergy and community of the Anglican Church. Representatives of the GFS were fortunate enough to get an appointment in the Bishop's busy schedule and visited him, sought his blessings on the project and requested a message of endorsement of the project. The message so received was incorporated into our World Project promotional brochure. 


Job descriptions and contract documents for the project staff were drawn up, posts advertised, applicants interviewed and suitable qualified personnel recruited to the staff of the GFS to coordinate and implement the World Project.

Course Provider

After comprehensive research and review, several English language course providers were identified and interviewed to ascertain that they met our strict selection criteria. Our search was narrowed down to one institute as they met all our requirements. A draft MOU with this institute is in the process of being finalized by our lawyer.

Promotion of the Project

Promotional material such as brochures, hand bills, posters, application forms etc were designed and printed to promote this project and identify potential beneficiaries. Promotional packs were distributed island wide to churches, deaneries, youth assemblies, Mothers Union branches, Board of Women's Work, Board of Education, Sisters of St. Margaret, theological colleges, schools etc within the Diocese of Colombo and the Diocese of Kurunegala which compose the Anglican Church of Sri Lanka. Traditional and digital communication methods were used.

We have received positive responses.

Administration and Finance

Project Planning documents and Activity Schedules for the period of the Project were prepared.

A separate bank account was opened for the World Project. The first payment of Rs.284,652.02 (Aust $ 2,504.70) was received.

A separate accounting system was introduced for the Project. Project vouchers, receipts etc were designed and printed.

A petty cash box for project funds and a filing cabinet for Project documents were purchased.

Advisory Committee

An advisory Committee was set up.

Additional promotion at grassroots level

Visiting churches, conducting special programmes in churches for girls such as good grooming, table etiquette and careers, inviting clergy and girls of several parishes for GFS events, strengthening and building ties with ladies of parishes by attending and speaking at All-Island Mothers' Union event and inviting them to GFS functions etc.

Pilot Project

The Pilot Project will begin upon completion of the preliminary work.

REPORT ON SRI LANKA PROJECT from World Vice President


​As a leadup to World Day of Prayer when we are asked to give our offertory to the World Project Jeanne has sent a short update on the second session of classes in the English for Employment Opportunities Project. 

The first classes have been in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka.  The classes are conducted by the

American College of Higher Education on behalf of GFS Sri Lanka.  The new classes are being held in Batticaloa, some 7 hours overnight in a bus.  Jeanne and some of her executive had two days in this area to begin the sessions. The girls in this area are Tamil speakers.  They are much more disadvantaged than in the first classes, communication is difficult, some have phones but none have email.   But the fact that they have been been chosen to participate in the program will be such a huge advantage to each of the participants and we anticipate will make a great difference in their lives.   There is a photo attached. 

There is a photo attached.  Jeanne has written

Breaking News! The GFS World Project is now in Batticaloa!! A historic moment in the life of our GFS : The commencement of the second batch - "English for Employment Prospects" - on Sep. 15 in the Eastern Province, in collaboration with the American College of Higher Education, Sri Lanka. 

(The first batch commenced in Colombo in May) 

Here, Rev. Gnanakaruniyan, Area Dean - Eastern Province, Diocese of Colombo, Anglican Church (Sri Lanka) speaks to the students after praying for the class. The lecturer is on the left.

Following the Batticaloa sessions, the next sessions will be held in Kandy which is a Sinhala speaking area.

I congratulate Jeanne and her team on the very professional way in which they are conducting the project.

I encourage countries to consider further gifts to the project and to ensure that the offertory from the World Day of Prayer is committed to the project.  Small monetary gifts can be  put aside to bring to the next Council.  Thembeka is happy for gifts to be sent direct to Sri Lanka to save double transfer and currency exchange costs.  (An email should then be sent to Thembeka and the World Treasurer ( to advise of the transfer)  Please check with Jeanne if you want banking details. 

I wish everyone a great day of celebration on St Michael and All Angels Day. 




Sadly the graduation which was to be held on 4 May 2019 was cancelled after the Easter Sunday bombings and following acts of violence and terror.  It is hoped that the graduation will be held later in the year.  Please continue to pray for GFS Sri Lanka. 






Where is Cameroon:

An African country on the south/west corner.  There is one Anglican diocese which covers the whole of the country.  Like many African countries going through economic crisis, leading to poverty and misery with the most vulnerable groups, girls and children.  Unemployed errant girls and women keep increasing in number especially in the city of Douala, they live a miserable and unholy life: stealing, prostitution, unwanted pregnancy, crimes, etc.   HIV/AIDS together with other sexually transmitted diseases and spreading and killing the younger generation especially girls.

GFS in Cameroon was introduced during a Mother’s Union provincial meeting held in Cameroon in September 1992 and joined the world council in 1993.  GFS is mandatory to be in all parishes and outstations across the Diocese at the instruction of                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the Bishop. 

The World Project: 

GFS in Cameroon considered what it might be able to do for the vulnerable people in their communities.

The project’s goal is Through a GFS world project, improve living standards of destitute girls and young women.

The objectives are:

  • To provide marketable skills to 50 destitute girls and young women
  • To provide moral and spiritual guidance to the participants
  • To reduce unemployment and increase family income by helping the trained group to find employment by the end of the project.
  • To skill girls in maintaining small businesses and to create jobs for jobless.
  • To assist members of the Anglican church of Cameroon to understand the ministry of GFS.
  • To promote GFS to the secular community, growing membership and sponsorship.


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