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Account Name: GFS World Account
ANZ Bank,
Shop 67
Whitfords City
Cnr Marmion & Whitford Aves
Hillarys WA 6025
BSB 016 494
Account Number 392526836
Swift Number: ANZBAU3M
Please ensure that you provide details of the payment with the deposit and also email (Assistant Treasurer) with details of your deposit.
World Project:
A World Project is chosen at each World Council. Countries are encouraged to raise funds and send as soon as possible so that the project can commence and grow. The current project is for GFS in the Democratic Republic of Congo to provide Bakery and Business skills and work opportunities for disadvantaged young women in their country. The former project to GFS Sri Lanka to provide English lessons to help with employment for young women is still active, managed now by GFS in Sri Lanka and has show remarkable growth and understanding of GFS in that country. The 2011 project was for GFS Japan to support Tsunami victims and it is still active and camps continuing for children who live in high radiation areas. The 2008 Project to GFS Korea to provide support to North Korean women defecting to South Korea is also still very active in the Cafes Grace which GFS Korea has opened and which employ only North Korean women.
World Emergency Fund:
This project is to enable the World President to provide funds to any GFS country which suffers an emergency situation. There are strict guidelines for the use of the funds and the application must be approved by the Archbishop of the country. It has been used to assist GFS Sierra Leone as they support the many victims of the 2017 Landslides and Floods. Funds are held by GFS Australia on behalf of the World Council for quick distribution.
World Travel Fund:
This fund allows the World President to assist one delegate from countries without adequate funds to attend World Council. It is only for travel costs and is only granted after the council fee is paid in full by the applicant or country. The growth of GFS is in developing countries and this places further pressure on the World Travel Fund ( It is becoming increasingly difficult to fund all the developing countries.
World President's Travel Fund:
This fund allows the World President to visit GFS Countries to promote GFS and to encourage and inform members in new GFS Countries.
Cell: +94 773555984 or
+94 777277136
Girls' Friendly Society
58, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha (Green Path)
Colombo 03
Sri Lanka.
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