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GFS Countries - GHANA

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GFS Ghana was commenced by the then missionaries in 1958 in the central region in one of the towns known as Dunkwa   According to research, it spread to the other regions like Ashanti, where we have met few of the old members who are alive to testify to this.  After some years of those vibrant leaders absence it faded away.

​In 1990 with the help of the then world secretary from Sierra Leone, three branches were reorganized at Cape Coast, Kumasi, and Koforidua dioceses and were able to attend world council for the first time in Sierra Leone (the first world council in Africa – 1990).

​The society is working on boutiques known as “Jesus Boutique” at the various cathedrals at least to help our needy members and also prevent them from getting into sexual activities.  Training programs are being planned for leaders to do effective leadership. We are putting in some mentoring programs to make it vibrant in all the dioceses and branches especially in our rural areas to help our girls become unique in Ghana.

GFS has expanded to other dioceses in 2020



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