GFS was introduced in Honduras by Rev Canon Connie Sanchez after her participation in the 59th Conference on the Status of Women in the United States, where she met Delores Alleyne President of the GFS in the United States who spoke her about this ministry. Both Delores Alleyne from NYC and Margaret Nolde from California have helped start this program providing study materials in Honduran Diocese.
This Program formally started with 3 branches in September of 2,016 and are:
GFS of Cristo Redentor (Christ Redeemer) being her Vicar Rev Canon Connie Sanchez +; GFS San Pedro cerca del Rio being its person in charge Rev Deacon Luis Brenes + and GFS San Juan Evangelista being his Vicar the Rev. Dean Maria Consuelo Cartagena, with a membership of 33 girls.
GFS is a powerful ministry that is teaching our girls to grow more in faith by loving our Lord Jesus Christ and loving our neighbor. it is a valuable resource to share the Gospel and it also teaches the Word of God to our girls at a young age in a fun way, and at the same time it helps them commit and develop a passion to serve their church thus complying with the GFS motto “Bear ye one another’s burdens.
Contact: The Revd Canon Connie Sanchez -
Cell: +94 773555984 or
+94 777277136
Girls' Friendly Society
58, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha (Green Path)
Colombo 03
Sri Lanka.
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