The Girls Friendly Society Melanesia
Web page update 2020
GFS was introduced into Melanesia in 1997 by Mrs. Dora Ho’ota after visiting Australia and seeing the potential for girls in Melanesia. It had a slow progress until its establishment in 2003 at the endorsement of the Church of Melanesia General Synod. GFS was considered a vital tool for encouraging girls into a life based on the teachings of Christ. They work very closely with MU sharing resources, and many of the Townsend members are also MU members. GFS members in Grafton in Australia have been visiting and supporting with many resources over the years.
Trainers from Australia have been on several occasions to provide training and understanding of GFS and GFS from Solomon Islands have also travelled to Australia (Grafton diocese) for ‘look and learn’ times.
GFS was introduced into 3 dioceses – Dioceses of Central Melanesia (in the capital city, Honiara), Dioceses of Hanuato’o (San Cristobel) and Diocese of Isabel (Santa Isabel, Lawe Region - much more rural areas. There were 8 branches opened in these dioceses. The aim is to have 8 branches in each of the other dioceses in the outer islands before 2015.
By the end of this year 2020 GFS has now spread over 8 out of the 9 Dioceses in the Church of Melanesia; Diocese of Central Melanesia(Honiara), Diocese of Hanuato (Santa Cristobel), Diocese of Isabel (Santa Isabel), Diocese of Guadalcanal (Guadalcanal), Diocese of Temotu (Temotu), Diocese of Vanuatu (Vanuatu), Diocese of Malaita (Malaita), Dioceses of Banks and Torris. GFS hope to establish branches in the Diocese of Central Solomons (Florida Islands) by 2021.
A Central GFS Coordinator works with GFS Coordinators in the different dioceses. Branches are working on giving girls important life skills before they move into married life. Several branches are based in schools and are able to impart valuable skills
World Project Fund
The current world project is aimed at assisting to spread GFS throughout Melanesia and part of this project has been undertaken with a visit by 2 trainers from Australia for discussions and training in October 2013.
The latest training of trainers was done in September 2018 in Honiara, conducted by Gail Orchard and Julie Smith from Australia. GFS Trainers from most Dioceses in the Province of Melanesia attended the training.
GFS Melanesia was able to carry out this training of trainers by utilizing the World project funds which has now been exhausted.
Since 2015 GFS Melanesia, with the assistance of MU, are working towards their own structure and administration. A draft constitution has been drawn up for review by the MU Council and was to be submitted to the MU triennial Conference in August 2021 for approval. COVID has delayed this process.
Ms Minnie Kiriau, GFS Coordinator
Cell: +94 773555984 or
+94 777277136
Girls' Friendly Society
58, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha (Green Path)
Colombo 03
Sri Lanka.
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