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The  Girls Friendly Society (GFS) in the Diocese of Lebombo was established in 2015 and is developing the following activities:


We talk with the girls, explaining the objective of the existence of GFS in the Diocese of Lebombo, how we are going to work, that is, the methodology and, above all, some of the issues to be addressed.


Monthly, we chose a theme, agreed with the Bible and society and approach  the girls, with advice being given to the girls by one of the mothers of the group of mothers' union.


The  girls learn the motto, the prayer, and the goals of the GFS, including spontaneous prayers.


The concerns regarding early pregnancy are a high priority and girls are taught how to take care of their bodies and avoid early pregnancy.


The girls learn about home duties.


There is an emphasis on programs about communicating with others in times of pain (illness and death eg), visiting friends and relatives, comforting the bereaved and how to pray for the sick who are hospitalized.  There is a strong emphasis on keeping the faith in these situations


In the case of death, they are taught how to behave, dress when they go to church/cemetery, what they should do and what words of comfort to use.


The girls work on five daily challenges to serve their families in a joyful and happy way. 

GFS is now also established in the Diocese of Niassa.

Contacts:  President:   Ms Alpha Malinga                                          Email:

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