Prior to Independence in 1975 the Guild of St Mary, an organisation for girls and young women was linked to GFS Australia but lack of leadership and the introduction of MU meant the gradual demise of this organisation. In 1996 Mrs Lucille Haembo of Popondota Diocese, with the assistance of GFS Australia promoted the regrowth of GFS as an organisation for young women and it has been growly steadily since. There are 12 branches in Popondota Diocese with approximately 600 members. Concentration is given to programs for children and young women in spiritual direction, community leadership and empowerment and in children's ministry.
GFS Australia continues to support GFS in Papua New Guinea with annual visits for training and support. A World Project in 1999 built a small Training Centre in Popondetta and provided funds for three years of training.
A further World Project was approved in 2008 for GFS Australia to write a three year Sunday School program based on the PNG lectionary and to train teachers. Over 500 teachers have been trained in the Diocese of Popondota and Diocese of Port Moresby.
GFS commenced in Port Moresby Diocese in 2018 and mainly has young male and female members who manage a Feeding Program for homeless and hungry children and youth in Port Moresby and talk to them about the Gospel.
In 2021 a new branch of GFS was established in the Diocese of New Guinea Islands.
Contact: Provincial Coordinator,
Port Moresby - Mrs Girika Sanata - Email: and
Cell: +94 773555984 or
+94 777277136
Girls' Friendly Society
58, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha (Green Path)
Colombo 03
Sri Lanka.
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