For many years there has been only one branch of GFS in The Philippines after considerable growth in the 1990’s but lacking ongoing leadership. There is now a concentrated effort to revive the organisation.
The Girl’s Friendly Society (GFS) of St. Stephen’s High School was organized on September 2, 1963. The purpose is to assist girls of various age group to achieve well-balanced interests during the important years of growing up. It deals with the spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and social aspects of girls’ life working toward the development of a well-rounded personality.
To accomplish the purpose, weekly activities were designed, such as: singspiration, Bible study and prayer, biographies of great men and women of God, lectures on health and hygiene and social graces; arts and crafts, cooking, games, film showing, field trips, food sale, and many others.
Weekly meeting is held every Friday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:15 PM either at St. Stephen’s Parish Yutiam Hall or St. Stephen’s High School Shalom Student Center.
Elementary girls from grade 4, 5 and 6 and High School girls from first – fourth year are welcome to join.
Contact: The Revd Karen Bacoco Email:
To encourage the growth of GFS the Bishop has now appointed Ms Karen Bacoco as the Children's Ministry Coordinator. However COVID restrictions have hampered any growth of GFS. It is hoped that some progress can be made in 2022.
Cell: +94 773555984 or
+94 777277136
Girls' Friendly Society
58, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha (Green Path)
Colombo 03
Sri Lanka.
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